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- UTH - University of Thessaly - Department of Civil Engineering
- HELINA - Hellenic Institute of Acoustics
- HITE - Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers
- NTUA - Laboratory of Pavement Engineering
- NTUA - School of Architecture - Laboratory of Acoustics
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Latest News
28th September, 2016
All ICSV23 proceedings are now publiced at SCOPUS Database -
3rd August, 2016
The ICSV23 photography material has been sent to all participants!
The ICSV23 Video is NOW AVAILABLE : Please click here.

The International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV) together with the Laboratory of Transportation Environmental Acoustics (LTEA) of the University of Thessaly - Faculty of Civil Engineering are thankful to all scientists and engineers from all over the world that have attended ICSV23, the 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration.
The ICSV23 was held in Athens, Greece, from 10 to 14 July 2016 in cooperation also with the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) & the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE).

Opening Ceremony: Prof. Kostantinos Vogiatzis, General Chair

Opening Ceremony: The General Chair welcomes the Mayor of Athens

Distinguished Plenary Lecturer: Prof. Harris Mouzakis

Distinguished Plenary Lecturer: Prof. Christy Holland

Distinguished Plenary Lecturer: Dr. Stelios Kephalopoulos

Distinguished Plenary Lecturer: Dr. James Talbot

Distinguished Plenary Lecturer: Prof. Li Cheng

Distinguished Plenary Lecturer: Prof. Ricardo E. Musafir

Zappeion Megaron - Banquet location

IIAVs Past, Present and Elect Presidents, the ICSV23 General Chair and ICSV23 staff

PCO staff (Triaena Tours & Congress SA)